Here are a series of pictures submitted by fellow crow hunters that show strange, bizarre and exceptional crows.
If you have a strange or unusual crow photo that you would like posted, email a scanned image to

Zach Wood of Chisago City, Minnesota took this
white-winged crow after a fluke misfire caused him to skip the bird
ahead of this one. |

This white winged crow was taken by Kenny King
(the Iowa Crow King). What was even more amazing was that he took
an identical crow 5 minutes later. Kenny has taken five piebalds
since he started guiding crow hunters. |

This brown winged Fish Crow was taken by a member of a hunting
party under Jerry Tomlin on the 12th of December,
1999 in Eastman, GA. |

This white winged crow was taken by Chris Heinbockel
of Mt. Sinai, NY on Feb 12th, 2000. What a trophy! |

Ole "One-Toe" was taken by Jerry Tomlin of the
Crow Roost in November of 1998. |

This chocolate brown crow was taken by Crow Staff Advisor Bob
Aronsohn of Hutchinson, Kansas. This is a one-in-a-million
trophy. |

Another trophy submitted by Crow Staff Advisor Bob Aronsohn
of Hutchinson, Kansas. Bob has managed to take 24 piebald crows
in his life. |

"White Stripe" submitted by Danny Williams of
Perry, OK. Rifle's nice too. |

Crow Staff Advisor Bob Aronsohn submitted his
picture of a nearly white crow taken in Missouri by Jack
Utterback Sr. in the 60's. This rare beauty is actually
not a true albino since both it's feet and beak are brown. Wow!! |

Robert Whipple submitted this picture of a strange
looking crow he saw near his home in Oregon, Illinois. Several friends
tried to get him to call this one and another similar crow in to
be shot, but Bob never got around to it. Too bad, what a mount this
beauty would have made! |

This Piebald crow was taken by Crow Busters founders Gordon
Krause and Doug Wigfield. Doug and Gordon
both fired at the same time and naturally they are both taking credit. |

Member John Consolini of Washington state recently
took this banded crow. The bird appears to have been banded more
than once and is obviously a very old bird. It's feet were callused
and had odd "hair" growing from them. Last we heard, John is still
waiting for an answer from the Dept. of Agriculture about this strange
bird's history. |

Ben Browning sent in these pictures of this absolutely
incredible bird. He said that he specifically hunted this crow for
3 weeks before getting a shot. He also said that he wasn't sure
why, but this bird was the most aggressive in the group. |

Connecticut Member Gary DiMarco's first crow was
this strange billed bird. It's hard to imagine how this crow survived
as long as it did. |

Bill (crowshot) Sembler shot this brown crow in
March of 1997. What can we say? We can only hope he got a chance
to pass along those unique genes before Bill had him mounted. |

Robert Podlesnik shot this incredibly unusual
crow in southwestern PA in 1997. The crow changes from light grey
to silver grey toward the tail. The only black on the bird is its
beak and feet. This is sure one for the record book! |

Michael Pajonk shot this odd
crow in southern New York in January of 2002. Note the bony protrusions
throughout the foot. Wierd! |

A friend of member Larry Liebsch took this odd
crow and then had it mounted. No doubt! |

Bjorn Backeby of Sweden managed to take this double
oddity (at least as far as we are concerned here in the U.S.). While
he regularly shoots the common Greyback crow, this is the first
piebald he has ever seen. Certainly a trophy on any continent. |

Donnie Martin took this exceptional white winged
piebald near Mt. Vernon Indiana. |

Member Jim Ligda took this crow on the opening
day of the 2001 crow season in Indiana. After turning on his e-caller,
he was surprised to see this crow hitting every branch on his way
to the call. After he shot, he found that the crow had growths coming
completely out of each eye and was completely blind. That says a
lot about the survivability of the common crow. |

Member Butch Jefferson took this nice piebald
on the last morning of his season in Georgia. This was the second
he took this year. |

Jason Anderson of Parker, South Dakota shot this
super rare crow in central South Dakota on 10/15/03 during an annual
crow hunt that has been conducted every year since 1917. |

This "Peg-Leg" crow was shot by Dan Sherwood
in NY. Dan thinks that the crow was born this way, but it may have
also resulted from an old injury. In either case, it sure would
make it difficult for this crow to roost at night during a strong
wind!! |

Amazingly, this pair of piebald crows was taken by Dan
Sherwood and Tom Guditis of NY less than
two hours apart on the same shoot. Hey Dan, do you think you could
save a few for the rest of us? |

Long time member Drew Moore took this strange
piebald crow during a recent "Crow Safari" with Staff Advisor Bob
Aronsohn. Note the black wing tips and Brown/Grey body. Strange! |

Kris Brantner recently shot this grey crow on
public land in Western Wisconsin. He first saw it with a spotting
scope about 1/4 mile away and thought it was a gull. Once he realized
what it was, he successfully called it within range. He says he
intends on getting it mounted. I'll bet! |

Stanley Wilson took this rare white/black piebald
crow a few years ago in Oklahoma. So fellow crow hunters, as they
said in the 1950's movie "The Thing", "Watch the skies..."! |

Walter Vessey, while hunting crows near Charlottetown,
Prince Edward Island, Canada, shot this nice piebald crow. He says
he has been hunting crows for about 25 years and has never seen
another crow like it. Just call it luck Walter! |

Gary Hoffacker was run and gun hunting in Western
Pennsylvania when this crow came in with two black crows. He shot
both of the black crows and then noticed the white one and was in
such awe that he didn't even shoot it. It circled his friends head
3 times, heard Gary's hand calling and then flew straight back over
the decoys into gun range. Hey Gary, we understand how you felt.
We are also in "awe" after seeing this fine trophy. |

Here is the mounted result of Don Peterson’s oddity
taken in October of 2000 near Deerfield, WI. Until recently Don
thought his non-black crow was unique. Well Don, there are other
piebalds around, but yours is certainly unique and a great trophy! |

This piebald was shot by member Mike Carr during
a field setup hunt in New Jersey in 2008. Note the crow with a piece
of bread in his mouth shot the same day. Nice bit of luck Mike. |

This photo was submitted by Paul Jordan of Lebanon
County, Pennsylvania during a heavy snow in 2008. After his first
thought that it was a pigeon, he quickly realized that pigeons and
crows are not flying buddies. He said "I haven't been that excited
since the Christmas of 1965!". Hey you guys from PA, he might
still be out there! |

Our very own Bob Aronsohn took what only can be
described as an oddity among oddities this fall of 2009. He informs
us that this one will definitely make it to the Aronsohn "Crow Museum".
Bob, it's nice to know that you can still amaze us! |

Robert Wigton shot this banded crow that had one
metal band and two plastic bands that were different colors on the
opposite leg. He is still looking to find out the unique history
behind these bands. |

This crow was shot in March of 2010 in Northern New Jersey by
John Dulany. John says that
this crow actually landed in the tree he had some of his decoys
in. Big mistake! |

Robert Frost of Guin, Alabama took this fantastic
piebauld on a crow hunt using a Johnny Stewart caller and a Benelli
Super-90 12 gauge. He says that he has been hunting crows for about
50 years and this is the only piebald that he has ever seen. |

This brown crow was spotted in Bruce County, Ontario Canada, on
16 Feb 2013. by Herman A. Roote. Glad you had a
camera Herman. Bet you wish you also had a shotgun! |

Another beautiful piebald crow taken back in the 80's by our very
own Bob Aronsohn. A nice addition to the Aronsohn
museum as can be seen in the background. |

Greg Smith took this amazing bird one morning
in his local area in Mississippi. This was bird #34 of the morning
and was so odd that his kids thought it was a hawk. Amazing and
simply a "once in a lifetime" trophy! |

This crow was shot in Ohio in December of 2014 by Max Williams.
He says that this was his first piebald. Nice start! |

Stephen Yoho shot this amazing black wing tipped
white crow in October of 2013 at his house in the Raccoon Township
of PA. At first he though it might be a hawk, but once it squawked
he brought it down. Quick thinking and a beautiful trophy! |

This one-in-a-million bird was taken by Doug Markwell
in central Illinois in December of 2014 during a successful crow
shoot of 80 total birds. This bird was shot with his very last shell
and was also number 80. Doug, you must have appeased the hunting
gods that day! |

Here is another piebald crow taken by our very own Bob
Aronsohn in December of 2014, According to Bob, this is
his 38th oddity in 41 seasons with a total of 153,565 birds. That
comes to one oddity per 4,041 birds. Persistence does pay off! |

This nice piebald was taken by member Mike Rawlings
in a feedlot in Wyoming. Using his trusty 870 Wingmaster Mike, says
that he nearly screwed himself into the ground trying to get the
shot off at this bird. We understand completely Mike, these rare
birds are tough to find! |

Bruce Hansbrough took this gorgeous white crow
in Stafford County, VA early this year (2015). Not many crows can
render us speechless, but this one did. Congrats! |

This banded crow was taken on January 27th, 2015 by our very own
Bob Aronsohn. It was banded on June 11th, 2014
in Kyle, Saskatchewan. He flew over 1,000 miles to be shot by a
"Living Legend", a fitting end for any crow. |

After chasing after a white winged crow for over ten years Eric
Paynter got two in one day just outside Summerside, PEI
Canada!! This one is nicer than the other but he said that he isn't
complaining. |

This amazing crow was killed by Karl Roberge in
September of 2015 in Quebec, Canada. Not just a beautiful crow,
but a beautiful mount as well. |

This one-in-million brown phase crow was shot by no other than
Crow Busters staff advisor Skip Woody. Skip says
that this bird was taken at 9am, 22 miles from his house in Chapel
Hill N.C. using a 12 ga., # 71/2 Rem. Nitro 27 load with an IC choke.
We are told it went straight to the taxidermist of course! |

Paul Shakula shot this amazing white crow in Logan
county Oklahoma in December of 1999. After seeing it several times
feeding with some black crows, he waited for an opportunity. which
came a couple of months later. Persistence does pay off! |