Always hunt safely...
Crow hunting can be fast and furious, that's what makes it so much fun. However, you must always exercise extreme caution, especially when more than one hunter is gunning from a blind. Crows can and do dive bomb from all angles and it is tempting to try to take as many as possible. Just be sure that in all that excitement, safe and proper gun handling is always your top priority.
Always respect the property and the landowner...
Hunters often find it easier to get permission to crow hunt than they do for other forms of hunting. However, that privilege can quickly come to an end due to careless or inconsiderate behavior. You should always remember to:
Get permission to hunt on private land.
- Always pick up spent shells and dead crows and dispose of them properly.
- Close any gates you open and never damage any crops or property.
- Tell the landowner about any problems that you see on their property.
- Offer to help the landowner and always remember to stop and say thanks.
Always obey the law...
While crow hunting has fewer rules than most forms of hunting, you should always check with state and local regulations regarding seasons and methods of hunting.
Always respect fellow crow hunters...
Crow hunting is a fun and social sport. Respect other hunters by keeping a reasonable distance from their calling site. Help further our sport by inviting a friend or better yet, introduce a young hunter to the sport.
Always respect the crow...
Yes, the crow is considered a varmint and has no bag limit in most states. However, always remember to show the crow the same humane respect that you would any other game animal. Do not be tempted to purposely use wounded crows as decoys! |