"The World's Most Expensive Crow Calls"
Gordon L. Krause (Founder)
As founder of this organization, I thought I had seen just about every type of crow call ever manufactured. That is until I got a brochure from sculpture and crow call maker Allen Weidhaas. First let me say that this is not an advertisement for Allen per se, it’s just that I thought that the membership should experience the same jaw dropping amazement that I did when I saw these one-of-a-kind creations. Allen considers these calls to be “heirloom” quality, and they certainly are that. However, he takes great pride in the fact that these calls can also be used as “in the field” working calls. Each call is shaped by hand with no lathe work involved and he prefers to work in American hardwoods, especially butternut. All his calls are special order and at prices that can exceed the cost of a decent shotgun, not for the faint of heart. But should you happen to hit the “Power Ball” this weekend, you can find out more about how to get one of these unique calls by visiting his web page at www.allenfweidhaas.com.

"Farmers Demise"
"Two Crow Hunters"
"Shurshot Shotgun Shell"
"Cawing Crow Head"
"Black Devils Prize"
"Confident Belligerence"